Healing Dolls

Transformational Art & coaching

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Intention Angels

This little sculpture is made hollow so that she can house your written intentions, dreams, worries, prayers, crystals, herbs and anything else you think is important. Making her an alter, dream board and prayer object all in one that can discreetly sit anywhere…

Each intention angel is handmade by myself and each one is unique just as you are!

You get to choose the style of your angel… you can have

Intention Angels
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Inner Child Dolls

Have you become aware that you need to work with your inner child?

Do you know what to do and where to start?

It can feel daunting embarking on this type of personal exploration, especially if you have had trauma or upset in your formative years.

My doll is made to make real for you a representation of your younger self. You can look at your child self with your adult eyes, and acknowledge your own history, experience, emotion and past situations you experienced as a child to recognise where the hurt lies, and how to unhook from it. Leaving you feeling free of your past and acknowledging your strengths and coping strategies made in moments of stress.

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Soul part Sculptures

Your Soul part sculpture or model will be a physical reminder of the metaphysical source to unlock your souls power and propel you forward to fulfil your potential.

Sometimes when we find ourselves going around in circles and unable to resolve an aspect of our lives we are probably inhibiting that part of us that is needed at a spiritual level. This is where a shamanic soul retrieval session can be really helpful.

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Custom Made Dolls

In my own development I underwent doing ‘Inner child’ work, and as I already made dolls a friend asked me if I would make an Inner child doll for her. That is when the ‘Inner child’ doll was born. It gave my friend so much joy and healing having her inner child to love, nurture, look back at your past together to find the lessons and healing for today. It gave me a deep joy that I could help her.

Over time I dropped thoughts I had to be or work a certain way. I embraced the way I wanted to work which means working spiritually with art objects that help to transform someones inner world to see their true value.