My Approach

Doll Art to awaken the spirit

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My own Journey

My own journey began back in the late 80’s after a very short marriage and divorce. I was a single mother with 2 very small children when I went on a self development course which turned out to be the first of many!

I’ve had a chequered past of being made homeless as a young single parent living in a homeless hostel to winning top national accolades in my first career as a hairdresser.

My outer world to others looked like I was a very strong, ambitious, capable woman making it on her own… but my own inner world was far from that. I suffered from almost crippling low self esteem. Something was missing but I couldn’t name it…

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I began to start exploring spirituality and what it meant to me and I developed a strong faith that I kept very hidden. I kept this aspect of myself very much in the closet and in so doing never really lived my whole self for a long time.

My aha! moment came from working with my good friend Dawn Giulietta. As an experienced psychotherapist and shamanic energy worker she helped me to embody and own my whole self.

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The Art

Over time I dropped thoughts I had to be or work a certain way. I embraced the way I wanted to work by using a combination of art and coaching, which when combined, transforms your inner world and enables deeply lasting change.

My fantasy art elves, fairies and gnomes house the energies we all need for a loving world. I feel we have travelled too far away from our natural state and my dolls are a way to connect back into natures, seasons, cycles and living communally.

When looking towards the future and how best to fulfil your desires, passions and innate potential my ‘Intention Angels’ are there to guide you mindfully to accept your uniqueness and own ‘whole’ self. Accompanied with an online course and daily meditations these small pieces of handmade art become potent with possibility and are your direct conversation with spirit.

My ‘Soul part’ models and accompanying shamanic energy session are created to bring into your awareness some aspect of yourself that you need to actualise your passion, purpose and peace.

Then my inner child dolls are made for you, along with an online course from my good friend Dawn Giulietta, to help heal the past to live more fully into the future.

Through amalgamating my skills, expertise, qualifications and passions I have created various arty avenues for self discovery to help you stay committed to your soul’s purpose and living in peace. I invite you onto this journey with me and I look forward to us both creating a peaceful world together, one soul at a time.


  • Reiki practitioner (2002)
  • Master Hypnotist (2003)
  • Master Time-line therapy (2003)
  • Practitioner, Master & Trainer of NLP (2005)
  • DTTLS level 5 (2010)
  • A1 Assessor (2012)
  • Information, Advice & Guidance practitioner (2012)
  • Shamanic energy medicine practitioner (2017)

Discover my work

Healing Dolls

Healing Dolls

Intention Angels, Soul Part Sculptures & Inner Child Dolls designed to help you heal.

Custom OOAK Fantasy Dolls

Fantasy Dolls

Themed dolls anything from Forest, Folklore, Fairies. Get your own custom doll made.

Doll Making blog


Learn more about my doll making process, healing and the dolls and more.

Any questions?

Contact me